All Hands on Deck
Our Malaysianness is a product of the integration of numerous distinct cultures. Though it is natural to seek safety and withdraw to what is familiar, fear and avoidance are not the way forward. When we choose to see beauty in our diversity, we treasure each other’s contributions. Therefore we seek to celebrate our collective Malaysian identity as a way to foster greater unity.
Rojak Culture chooses to intentionally emphasise our shared experiences, language and humour, recognising that the different races make significant contributions to the whole. The way forward is more fun than you might think!

Play. Bodek. Connect.
We are proud to bring you Malaysia’s first party game that’s guaranteed to spark tremendous fun. It’s a simple word-matching game with no right or wrong answer. The Lepak Game contains the essence of Malaysia in a box, made as a celebration of Malaysian-ness. It is a conversation trigger that will get players rolling in heaps of laughter. Jom lepak!

How To Play

- Choose a ‘Boss’ (the judge).
- The Boss deals all players 8 Blue cards.
- The Boss displays and reads aloud a Yellow (prompt) card.
- All players except the Boss match a Blue (response) card within their hand to the Yellow card. Put the Blue card facing down on the table.
- Players bodek (persuade) the Boss to choose their card. Just sembang-sembang, talk kok, or tembak, without necessarily revealing which card you’ve place down. The idea is just to have fun and hopefully some meaningful conversations too.
- The Boss opens up and reads all the Blue cards. He picks a winner and the winner becomes the next Boss.
*These rules are merely suggestions, feel free to change it up Malaysian-style!
Boast of your Rojak Friendships!
Here’s how you could win yourself a free Lepak Game Expansion Pack:
Boast of your multi-ethnic friendships /relationship by posting a picture on Facebook or Instagram with a fun or meaningful caption. Set your profile to public and tag us @rojakculture and hashtag #rojakculture #lepakgame. If we dig your content we’ll contact you for your prize of the Lepak Game expansion pack.
We look forward to seeing what you come up with!
Drop us your email if you would like to hear more from us!
About Us
Rojak Culture is a social enterprise aimed at uniting Malaysians through play. We seek to spark a movement of friendship by bringing the races together to celebrate Malaysian-ness through The Lepak Game.